Can't choose between all the marketing platforms? Let Facet do it for you!
For a super-low investment, use the platform profiles and guided decision-makers inside this issue to make great choices - then goal set and implement your way to a solid marketing strategy on platforms you actually like that attract your ideal clients.
This issue of Facet gives you access to special insights about search platforms like blogs, podcasts, YouTube, and Pinterest, and social media platforms like Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Flip through this issue to finally choose a platform you love and create irresistible content that gets your people to follow, reply, and finally book that service with you!
$50 CAD
(equivalent to approx. $36 USD)

Facet is jam packed with practical tips, interactive exercises and a-ha moments.
I sat down to read Facet with a cup of tea and a knitting project, but quickly pivoted to reading it with some pens and sticky notes. I didn't realize I would learn so much!
As someone who's "Zoomed out" and never wants to invest in another online course again, this is such a refreshing way to learn. Give me everything I need to learn about succeeding in business in a magazine format - I honestly can't subscribe quickly enough!