Michelle Tran
Soul Art, Akashic Records and Yoga Nidra Guide

Michelle helps women achieve body confidence by bridging the knowing and doing gap with NLP & Hypnosis Practices so they embody holistic health. Her secret sauce is that she uses love as a superpower to fuel change so health feels simple and you feel good about feeling great.
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Website: https://michelletran.co/
Full Transcript - Episode 27
Michelle, tell me the story of you encountering [00:01:00] human design for the first time.
What was that like?
Michelle: I'd heard a little bit about it, but it wasn't until I got into a network marketing group that my upline was discovering it, and she's a Manifestor. So she was like, wow, I'm really understood and really working against this like guilt of not being able to perform in the same way as Manifesting Generators and Generators, which is like a huge part of the population.
So for a Projector, like myself, a Manifestor, like herself, we always kind of got to that part where we would burn out because we just didn't know how to work with our energy. So she dove into it, gave me a pretty in depth reading of my chart that I'm not too certain with everything, but I think the most important is the profile line numbers in conjunction with also understanding your actual human design.
Chantelle: Yeah, your type.
Michelle: Yes, my type. And when I really understood that, I would notice the subtle energies of [00:02:00] when I was not in alignment and when I was. And how when I tapped into that energy, Didn't make myself wrong for needing more rest needing more play. And really encouraging myself as a 5/1 that curiosity to learn And how I just had this eagerness to share information. But how I would share that information that would become magnetic and that would draw people into me And I kind of like to think of it as working downstream, you know, so we can work smart Not necessarily hard and we'll always have to kind of work hard to some extent. And then taking that information and applying it even in my personal relationships as well and not to make excuses for anybody but just kind of understanding their energy types and and encouraging them when even they came to me for for advice.
Like I have a friend that's the same profile line number as you. And I was like, oh, she's a three. I can't tell her not to do [00:03:00] something.
Chantelle: So true.
Michelle: She's going to want to do it even more and give her permission. And then as a Generator, understanding, okay, her barometer for how she makes decisions is how she feels.
Like, where's the joy for her? And that she kind of has to touch the stove to realize, okay, it's hot there. I don't want to go there. And using that barometer, does this feel good? And just stopping when it doesn't feel good. Okay. So I think it's a great way for us to learn how to set realistic expectations in relationships, how to partner with other people in business, like as a Projector, like with the Mani-Gen or a Generator, that's just like so incredibly powerful to Projectors.
Me and my best friend are both Projectors and it's like, we both love so much rest. Sometimes things don't get as done, but we have all these really beautiful ideas. So it's this code that we've cracked that we get to use the energy and astrologically, what's happening in the cosmos and how to use that as, [00:04:00] okay, is this intuitively where I need to rest more?
Do I need support? And I've always had it in my head that I need to like work really, really hard and I can't have fun until like I accomplish my goal. And knowing as a Projector, the more I rest, the more I play, the more I'm in my innate state of being and setting myself for success in that way.
Chantelle: I love everything you just said. I completely agree with you about how knowing other people's human design is almost as important as knowing your own human design.
One of my goals with the show is that people come and listen to the episodes about themselves.
Like you would listen to all the other 5/1 episodes, but also like you said, you can use them to gain insight into other people that you're working with, whether that's your clients or your friends or your family, whatever because you're right. Everything does turn the corner a little bit when you remember that you have your own way with your energy and your alignment and everybody else has their own way with their energy and their alignment.
That's so true.
You [00:05:00] said early on that when you learned that you were a Projector and you learned that you were a 5/1 that those felt like the most important pieces of learning your design.
So even if you don't remember any other aspect of your chart, that those pieces were really important and impactful for you. So let's dive into being a Projector a little bit before we chat about profile. Tell me what it was like to start experimenting with adding more rest and more play.
Michelle: There's a lot of resistance at first because we're so programmed into thinking that the more energy and the more work we put into something that we're going to yield results. And as a 5/1 yes, but you know, I recently came to the understanding that rest and play is another form of faith and surrender.
So it's really on a huge unconscious level. Do we trust? And then with the 5/1, it's setting up those systems for yourself. But just coming back to the Projector, it's really [00:06:00] unlearning just years of generational ways of being. Like my dad is- my parents are first generation Canadians.
My dad left during the Vietnam war with no money in his pocket, worked like two jobs, ESL, sent money back home.
He's put everyone, he's like helped everybody in his family. My mom too, like hard workers just all throughout my lineage. And part of that healing is also being able to rest on their behalf of knowing that we don't have to survive in that way anymore. And they set me up so that I can rest. So releasing that guilt and knowing that rest isn't useful if you're guilting yourself about it the entire time.
So if you're making the decision to rest, giving yourself permission to do so is kind of the first step and just kind of analyzing that inner dialogue of: who says that you can't rest, who says that this isn't productive, especially as women. When I'm coaching them when it comes to hormones and [00:07:00] balancing that -and like this is why I use hypnosis and NLP- because it's these narratives that we have that don't belong to us, that keep us from doing something, that don't let us fully enjoy something, there's a lot of shame, there's a lot of guilt, and it takes a while for you to get into that practice.
My other Projector friend said, you know, one of my most proudest accomplishments as an adult is being able to rest without guilt. And I was like, that is such an underrated thing as a woman to really know that we are number one, not like men. And that doesn't make us weak. It just makes us different.
And coming back to even the different designs, it's like, you know, I am different. And when I try to keep up with my Generator friends, it just never works out. Yeah. And then my body forces me to rest. So, also knowing that, okay, if I don't pick a day to rest, my body will pick it for me. And then I'm in trouble.
So, we get to lean into that sense of, how much do I really trust my body? You know, for me, it's God. [00:08:00] For others, it might be the universe or whatever it is, is their inclination there. Like, how much do I really trust myself and what's meant for me if I don't give myself permission to slow down? And it's in that slowing down, similar to doing yoga, how it's a little challenging there.
It's because it's that slow time under tension. It's at the resistance against the way that we've been doing things. That's really the hard part. So, it's just inviting ourselves to do something different, to be curious for how can we explore a new part of ourselves with lots of love, without any judgments.
And when you come out of like a really deep rest and you see how much more room you have, how much more capacity you have for others, especially in this healing space, you get to shine a lot brighter. You get to hold a space that is so sacred. You get to really help people and you become the embodiment.
And when you show other people, Hey, I'm resting and Hey, I can't take this [00:09:00] call right now, or I'm scheduling in this way. You give other people permission to do the same thing too.
Chantelle: So much wisdom coming through and it's interesting you use the word embodied because I was going to say that. Reflecting what I am getting from you, I'm really feeling that embodied sense of rest. Mm-Hmm, and just self knowledge and self trust, like you said. And I love the examples you gave at the end too about like, I'm not taking calls on that day or I'm not, I'm not available for that.
Right. Setting those boundaries does give permission for other people to do that.
I know when I've shared my calendar link with people and they're like, Oh, we only have Thursdays and Fridays. And I'm like, yeah, that's right. I basically only do client calls on Thursdays and Fridays.
And I have it really strategically set up that way, working with my energy. It then lets people know, oh, I could also choose the best days for me based on my schedule and based on what I'm looking to build.
What are some ways other than in scheduling that you've incorporated rest [00:10:00] into how you run your business?
Michelle: I find that honoring natural ebb and flows. And I think that my 5/1 sometimes gets really challenged with this because it wants something very, very strategic. Sometimes it's like, I want from this time I'm working this time, but sometimes inspiration just strikes in a different way. And I have to kind of flow with that.
I think another part of the rest is just also play and like scheduling in time to just do something that's just super exciting and connecting with my body and it doesn't always need to be like so much work. I think that we have in our head that like we need to work for this amount of time and then we get this amount of results.
And to some extent that is true. Even just like hearing you respond to me, it's really affirming the sense that I'm a Projector, which is really cool.
Chantelle: I see some art behind you. Is this one of the ways that you rest and play?
Michelle: Yes, I love this one. It's one of my favorite ones. It's just one of my favorite, [00:11:00] like, ways to express and I think one of the art therapies, I love doing art as a therapy mainly because you realize how many rules you have in your head for how you do things.
It's another really cool Projector way to shine a light on the correlation between how we show up on the canvas, is how we show up in life, how we show up in relationships. Like sometimes I'll be painting and I'll find myself rushing through it. I'm like, There's no, I don't, I don't even have to finish this right now. I can take five years if I wanted to.
Or these rules of like, I have to paint all the flowers first. Like, who told you that? So I think with the profile line of five and being the Projector of having a new way of expanding your mind of doing things. It's really, really cool to show people a new way just through practice is all it is.
Chantelle: It's a really interesting point about [00:12:00] noticing the rules and the shoulds that we place on ourselves. If you are able to hear your inner voice when you're painting, then all of a sudden you're able to hear your inner voice when you're looking in the mirror, or when you're speaking, or working with clients.
Awareness of your voice in one element does lead to more awareness of your voice in other elements. I've found that to be true with myself as well, for sure.
Michelle: And just like the reminder that like life's also supposed to be fun, you know, like what's the point of, of getting to the end, the finish line if we hate the whole process ourselves? You know, so when you're slowing down and you're painting and you're like, what's the rush?
Like, and then you think about why I rush all the time too. We did this exercise one time with my friends where we did a timer and then we would paint and then we would switch.
Chantelle: I literally yesterday saw a reel of people doing that and I watched the whole way through, which I never do. Such an interesting concept.
Michelle: It's an interesting concept. My one friend was struggling with that because in her head, she was like, I'm going to [00:13:00] ruin your painting. And I was like, number one, these canvases are like four dollars. We can always get another one. It's not that serious.
Number two, you can't, that's the point. You're not, there's nothing that we're kind of going by. It's just really pushing ourselves to let go there. And she had a little challenge with that, but that's why we did the exercise.
And I think it was really beautiful for her to see that overlap and that correlation for how she is, there's some opportunity for her to let go.
And art was like a really great way to express that and try that out.
Chantelle: Is art one of the ways that you work with clients as well? Does that fall into one of your modalities?
Michelle: Actually? No, I've been trying to figure out, I think I'm going to be collaborating with somebody to do that. I was trying to kind of figure out a secret sauce, but I did create something called the hypno-yin yoga method, which I absolutely love.
It's a marriage of hypnosis and yin yoga. Which is really, really cool to give people something when you're holding those in poses for about five minutes to kind of [00:14:00] rewire the brain. And sometimes it can be kind of chatty, lying there for five minutes and just kind of directing people.
And we've had like incredible reviews and incredible success. It's been really, really cool to take people through that. So that's one of the things. And I've combined nutrition and hypnosis and NLP together. I started my journey as just a nutritionist, and I found that, wow, people don't follow instructions.
Michelle: It was, it was such, I just didn't get it. I was like, why? And this kind of all came into the picture around the pandemic, so even though there was clear instructions, even though I realized how we feel shows up in, in how we respond to certain things, how we show up in life.
So then I was like, okay, how do I make this simpler, easier? And how do I change how people feel so that they show up and bridge that gap between [00:15:00] what I know and what I do. And then I discovered all the stories in our unconscious mind, unconscious programming, and that I could be involved in helping people change the way that they viewed health, the way that they view their body.
Sometimes people even reach their health goals and they're still not happy. And it has nothing to do with weight loss. And everything to do with our perception of self, right?
A switch in perception is one of the quickest things that we can do versus the switch in character or switching or
Chantelle: external circumstances
Michelle: or any exactly. Yeah. We can't change our financial situation within two minutes, but we can change the way that we feel about our finances and the way that we show up with accountability, with integrity, with awareness. I'm so passionate about that because I feel like our world is, women are just constantly scrutinized for not being enough for not looking enough.
A lot of people that even go under the knife and do all these crazy things to look a certain way. They're still not happy. And you know, [00:16:00] clients I've worked with that have had like breast implants, they end up getting them taken out or they end up hating it because it wasn't about their breasts.
It was about them wanting to feel a certain way in their body, because they believed that if they looked a certain way, that they would be treated differently, that they would be more attractive, that they would be deemed enough in the eyes of society. Right. And if we can do that and save them 10, 000 without going under the knife and getting potentially breast implant illness I'm here for it.
I think it's a really important discussion and practice that we need to encourage other women and celebrate our unique beauty. Like, we're not supposed to look the same.
Chantelle: That leads me to think about the five line impact of that - always challenging other people to be better, to see something that you feel isn't right and then to take the actions to change it.
Michelle: Yeah, and that in combination with the Projector type, like being curious and [00:17:00] asking questions before jumping because as a 5/1 I just have so much information. And I just want to share with people and finding out ways to be invited and also create a space where someone is open.
One of my techniques will be, whenever I'm about to ask a really deep question, I'm always like, can I ask you something? And it kind of primes them, or I'll say, do you want my advice? Or do you want to just let me listen? Like, what kind of support would you like for me? And then it gives them the choice and lets them know, okay, I can go with that route. I can be your friend, or we can, I can get into the technical stuff. Cause do you want a solution for that? And I've even had friends where they were like, I think we're jumping a little too quickly to solution. I think I really need to be seen. I really need to be heard. And that's what I need from you right now.
And I was like, wow, thank you for telling me what you need. That makes this a lot easier for me. I love this.
Chantelle: That makes sense, especially with the [00:18:00] five line aspect of people coming to you with this desire for you to fix or they have this idea of what they want, but if they're not sharing it with you, that makes it really difficult to navigate. But encouraging open communication changes everything about that, because then you're both on the same page about where it's going.
Michelle: Yeah, exactly.
Chantelle: I did another interview with another five line recently and something similar came up. I think she almost said the same thing as you did about, do you want me to listen? Or do you want me to solve? Or do you want me to just be here?
It feels like you've cracked a little bit of the five line code and even the projector code of waiting for the invitation. In a way asking those kinds of questions is a way for you to ask for the invitation so that you know that you're sharing your guidance from the right place.
Michelle: It's such a code and I can also, it's funny cause I had [00:19:00] a little moment with another Projector where she didn't ask me any questions and then she kind of just like projected all over me and she wasn't really listening. And then near the end, I was like do you know your human design?
And then she was like, I realized that I kind of overstepped there. And and then I kind of was like, if you're open, can I give you some feedback on how your advice made me feel? I shared that with her. And I said, you know, like, I wish that you asked me more questions. And I felt like you were kind of sharing something that you're so passionate about that worked for you, but it didn't feel like it applied to me.
So it's interesting to also observe when you're really tapped in, you can kind of see when someone's like not in their alignment because it feels weird for you.
Chantelle: Yeah, 100%. That's one of the things...
Michelle: Has that happened to you before?
Chantelle: All the time. You're right, it's an important distinction to make. One of the reasons I [00:20:00] love human design, more than personality typing things like that is that I feel like it really does shine a light on the answer to the question like 'aligned to what?'
Everyone talks about wanting alignment. I want to feel aligned. I want to have an aligned business. And my question is always like well, Do you know what you're even aligning to?
Michelle: Oof, that's so good.
Chantelle: That's that sense of self part, right of like, you need to know about yourself in order to know what you want to be aligned to.
I think we need to spend a little more time on that. And I think human design is one way to learn those things about yourself.
It can help you piece together that narrative of, okay, when I say I want to feel aligned. I know that I feel aligned when blank, like when this is how my energy feels or this is how my body responds or like, this is how I react.
Michelle: But to like flip on that, when you're not in alignment. So for Projectors, it's bitterness. And I noticed that when I'm [00:21:00] watching somebody that quote unquote, maybe like less qualified than me, let's just say that. And I'm seeing them put themselves out there.
And I'm like, bitter about it, a little bitter, like, oh, she's not even doing that right or blah, blah, blah, like the critique in the head, right, in my head. That bitterness for me is an indication for an invitation for me to show up. It's like, I feel that way because I'm not showing up.
I'm upset that this person is more successful than me in this area because they've applied themselves. And I haven't put this out there for the world to see me when that's really just me not doing the work to be the magnet, to be the embodiment to show up like my intelligence is a secret.
And I can't be upset at somebody that is doing the work to put themselves out there to receive the fruits of their labor. It's like when I feel that I'm like, ooh, Michelle, you got a good idea. You gotta show up.
Mm-Hmm, that's the indication for me. So I just like kind of flip that and that's the self, the mirror there. I'm like, Ooh, this is a [00:22:00] big mirror for me. Right? I'm bitter because I'm jealous and that jealousy is because I want what she has and I want what she has because I know that I could do that too.
Chantelle: Then it's just giving yourself permission to go ahead and do that. A reminder to yourself of, well, what have I been waiting for? This is me realizing that that could be me. And it opens up that possibility. Right? Yeah, so speaking of putting ourselves out there and knowing all the things, that's a one line trait, and I have a one line too, I totally understand that excitement and desire to learn all the things, but then also that feeling of like, I need to wait until I am an absolute expert on this topic before starting to share.
So when you said, my intelligence is a secret which was a really cool line, that's a one line tendency. I think I just need to learn more before I feel confident sharing what I've learned. Do you resonate with that?
Michelle: Yeah, before I even get into mine, I just [00:23:00] want to talk about even your chart.
I think that your chart is really cool and I resonate because I have a friend that has a similar chart and I observe our behaviors and
I find that because of the 3 and the 1 together, it's like I need to like completely go through it all and learn, and then I share, is what I've noticed with her, I don't know if you're the same way.
Yeah Yeah, like she won't share when she's like, hey, i'm starting this new thing It's like I I started this new thing and I finished it and this is like the result, right? So yeah, i've like implemented I learned I like revised and I think the three and the one kind of like make it even more secretive like I want to really really make this and then the Mani-Gen is like wanting to do all these cool things at the same time. Which is like really really cool, and I'd love to hear how you've kind of structured that. Yeah
When it comes to the five one, it's really challenging because there's always going to be an endless amount of learning.
And actually I had to set [00:24:00] boundaries with myself and say, like at one point I stopped listening to podcasts and I actually haven't listened to any podcasts recently. Cause I'm like, I'm not learning anything anymore. I'm applying, I'm applying what I know and I'm letting this, I'm like really developing the fruit of patience to develop my results.
Sometimes our sense to know more is really just a scapegoat to self sabotage where we are on the track. It's like, you don't need anything more. You literally just need to be patient.
And I tell my clients that sometimes I'm like, you, you're literally doing everything. There's nothing more that you need to do but trust that everything that you've done will yield into results.
And I think that's like a really big part of kind of getting out of that loop of being a 5/1. I'm so eager to share, even in the beginning too. I'm just like, I'm that person that's like, Oh, there's this workshop. There's this, I'm like sending it to all my friends all the time.[00:25:00]
And I think that my newest thing as well is to kind of come back to that embodiment piece and be like, let my results be what speaks.
And then I don't need to always I think that as a Projector, it's challenging because, and then in, in astrology, I'm a Pisces sun. So I'm just like seeing things that people just don't see.
It's like, Oh, I had a dream about this or like, you know, God already told me. And people are just like, what? That's not enough for me. And it's like, that's enough for me. So people can't really see the vision and that's okay. So just being patient with other people that will come along the journey later.
Okay. Once they kind of see you embody that. But I'd love to hear from you.
Chantelle: Yeah, well, the five just really wants to help and fix and the Projector wants to guide and so that's doubled in you, right? Yeah. So it makes sense. And learning is just so exciting for us, we naturally want to share
that feeling that we get from learning because it's such a rush, right? It's like such a great [00:26:00] dopamine hit to be learning something new. And we think that resource will help somebody else.
For me as a 1/3, I do need to be experiencing and learning. It's not always simultaneous, but I want to be sharing instantly as I go. I have been working on doing that more. My tendency is to try, complete, share. Like, these are the results. This is what happened.
But people feel, people perceive it as being more authentic when it's happening in real time, and I do know that, and I do remind myself of that a lot.
What I have to let go of is if I share in real time, and then I stop doing the thing, or I quit, that's still okay.
And so I think why the 1 3 wants to wait is because we know that odds are we're going to stop before that thing is completed, or it's going to run its course, and then we'll never do it again, we'll reach that point of failure because failure is so important in the 1 3 experience. [00:27:00] And we don't want other people to judge us that that thing has failed.
So the authenticity piece comes in in that if you're sharing it in real time, and then you stop or fail or whatever, then you were still putting it out there, you know, whereas if you wait until the end, then you have the option of do I share that whole experiment or do I not?
So if you're sharing in the moment, I think that's why that really ratchets up the authenticity feeling because it removes the option of keeping it hidden if it didn't work out, right? So that's what that feels like.
Michelle: It's so relatable though.
Chantelle: It's true. I know for me, I've had thoughts around like, well, what will people think?
They see me as someone who mentors business owners, if they see me trying this thing in business, then it doesn't work for me. Right. But then if I think back to like, some of my most successful content has been [00:28:00] things like, I posted something recently about quitting cycles and people really enjoyed that.
I've talked about my failed freebies that didn't get any downloads things like that.
And in a sense that is relatable in its own way because I mean, everyone's had a couple things fail in their businesses, right? But also it's relatable because you see me having failed but also still showing up and that's the part of it that's relatable, right, the like pick yourself back up and try again, which is, I believe, an essential skill in entrepreneurship that you're practicing.
Michelle: Oh my gosh, once you don't fear rejection anymore or perception of others. It doesn't even matter, like, I think people really appreciate that, and especially, like, my Mani-Gen friends, it's just always letting them know that you're meant to try everything, and through the trying, you figure out what you like and what you don't, and you're just kind of following the excitement and the [00:29:00] joy, which is so special. Incredibly like intoxicating in the best way. It's just like, wow, you're just lit up and you're following what excites you. And that changes too. I've seen it happen in the real time in one conversation. Okay.
Chantelle: Like watching a tennis match. Yeah.
Michelle: And I'm like, she's a Mani-Geni..
Chantelle: So. As someone who doesn't have that Mani-Gen energy, with the Projector energy that you have and the 5/1, do you find alignment between your type and your profile? Or do you feel like that's ever in contradiction?
Michelle: For the most part, it feels like a contradiction. I feel like when you crack the code and what I'm still working through is creating a system that allows me to be a Projector.
So that's like a long term goal with my business and the things that I want to do, where I can have more ease and more play.
So I'm in the foundational elements of building that out. It feels like a [00:30:00] contradiction in the sense that mentally I'm always like, how can I make things easier for people all the time? I'm just observing behavior all the time. And I'm seeing where, like, for example I was like, wow, people are just so eager to spend money on things that make them feel good, like partying, concerts, like concert tickets are crazy expensive, but people are paying for them like grapes aren't 15 dollars out here, you know?
And I'm always like, how can I make people feel this excited about their health? Like, how can I do that? And that's something that I'm just always thinking about all the time. Part of it is just naturally just the human condition. And I think that that kind of lets me rest. But I'm just kind of like, okay, how do I like make this so simple and so easy? Another part is understanding that people need to meet me here of like wanting that. It kind of makes me sometimes a little self critical where I'm always like, oh I can be better at communicating.
You know, [00:31:00] there's a large part of the population has no idea that they're even bloated or that they are physically in distress, like these things that they experience are just not normal at all. So it's like, okay, am I doing my due diligence of, you know, of communicating that on top of having the understanding that people that see my value will see it, but on a basic level of impact it's like, how can I impact the most amount of people to get the easiest amount of results while also making room for play and rest
Chantelle: in the same 24 hours a day? It's just
Michelle: like, just so crazy. And sometimes that paralyzes me because I'm very cerebral. When I had my chart reading done by my Manifestor friend it really gave me a lot of ease because she was like this explains why you overthink because, first of all a lot of channels in your head that was one of them and number two because you're a 5/1 you're always just looking for ways to help people through interacting with people.
So I think that there's a level of understanding [00:32:00] and patience and pace, which is like a huge thing and I think that once you kind of get into that rhythm, which I'm always rediscovering and staying on that path, it feels more like they work with each other. So the 5/1 is like, how can we allow you to be
your Projector self, which is pretty cool. So I'm experimenting with different things and there's so many things that I want to do and I tell myself you can do them all just not right now.
Chantelle: Yeah, I'm not all at once.
Michelle: Not all at once either. So I like how you kind of said that blocking days. So I, I really liked that Thursdays and Fridays are your client calls. I kind of have something similar, but I think I'm going to be more diligent. You've inspired me to block out those times for just doing one task a day versus jumping around because I'm like, Oh my gosh, I could do this.
I could do this. And then we're chasing the rabbit. On this hamster wheel of what will bring us money, what will bring [00:33:00] us joy, how are we feeling seen in our design. And it's quite exhausting, so.
Chantelle: 100%.
Michelle: Yeah, you're describing. You're like, I want to do all these things.
Chantelle: Yeah, you're describing my morning completely.
I was loading podcast episodes into Descript. I was, at the same time, tweaking an email campaign, because I send my weekly email on Wednesdays. I was also writing a book review in another tab and like, four more things. And I was watching myself. If there was something that was loading for more than a split second, I'd flip to the other task.
And I was like, listen, you know that multitasking is terrible for you. You know that it takes your brain 15 minutes to catch up and you just switched tasks three times in a minute. What are you doing to yourself? But it's just that you're right. It's that Mani-Gen tendency to just like build, build, build.
And then also the one line tendency to believe that we can game the system with what we [00:34:00] know.
Michelle: Mm hmm.
Chantelle: Right? That's what it feels like for me. I'm like, well, I know this stat about multitasking in 15 minutes, so I can, so it's fine, it's fine. Yeah.
So the thing you said really struck me about how you're harnessing your profile to learn to be a
Mm hmm. That's really cool. And building the systems to be a Projector also. Are there any systems that you feel like you've been successful with so far that you'd want to share?
Michelle: Something that I've been like toggling back and forth is just putting in the work for subscription models. Having like a detached way of, especially as a Projector one on one coaching could be quite taxing.
Right now. I have really, really amazing dream clients. Like they're great.
And choosing from a place of alignments like align to what what you said there, is like because NLP nutrition and hypnosis can be very broad it took me a while to really nail in my [00:35:00] niche of who I want to work with And then when you choose people that aren't for you it drains you because then you're trying, we're not for each other or they're not ready.
And then your sense of self worth is based off of their performance. In the coaching world, there's going to be people that just don't graduate with honors. That doesn't make you a bad coach. It's the same thing that, you know, when somebody goes to school, there's going to be some people that get As some people that get C's, doesn't mean that the teacher's bad.
Mm-Hmm. . So, one of the things that I really like is affiliate marketing, network marketing. I think that really allows you if you build your team strategically , it really allows you to build and grow that passive income, which is really cool. And which is really great too, because I love to travel and usually during the winter, I'm like not here. This is my first winter home. So. It's really great to be able to like wake up and you're like getting paid you're like sick Wonderful and I think just kind of moving away from what [00:36:00] you used to do, I think is the most important thing. It's like how can I broaden my impact with like the least amount of work Is like the thing that i'm kind of working on like creating talks.
I'm like working on a podcast, too. So it's like how can I reach the most amount of people which will allow me to preserve my energy?
Chantelle: I think you touched upon something really great. You found a really great question to ask yourself. If you ask yourself in any moment. 'What did I used to do?' You can probably eliminate a whole lot. I'm thinking that question in any moment can bring up a lot of negative beliefs that you let go of.
It gives you a decision point, right? I'm not the person anymore who believes that. I used to do that. How can I not do that anymore? That opens up a whole other set of possibilities.
Michelle: Yeah, and even doing the same thing with a different energy also falls in that category.
Like [00:37:00] recently I started like tracking my food again and I have, I've had a, a past of like disordered eating. So doing it again made me anxious and it kind of came up and it was like, take my power back and knowing that this is not for my detriment of self. Yeah. This is not to make myself fear food. And similar for your business where you would do an audit and you would see, okay, the freebies weren't working.
You know, those other business models of what you were doing didn't work. It's like, can we look at our blind spots so that we can get better, which is like such a.
To do the same thing, maybe with a different perspective, with a different lens, with more love. You know, and I think a lot of women to like they want to lose weight because they hate themselves and they don't like the way that they look.
And you can love your body and still want to change it. And how transformative that energy gets to [00:38:00] be, even if we were talking about this in any other sense.
And I love, like, I've written down a couple things that you've said to this approach. So amazing. Aligned to what was a great line. Try, complete, share.
I'm going to share that. And what did I used to do? And am I still doing it? And expecting the same results? Which is where a lot of people fall. Sure, and as a 5/1 ow! We gotta gently go in there and I think that's like such a beautiful anchor to bring you back to the present moment and really have this mirror and observe yourself and say like, is this working?
Or am I just, is there an opportunity for me to ask for help here? Mm hmm. And yeah, I think that's a great question.
Chantelle: Yeah. Is there an opportunity to ask for help is also a really powerful question that most of us skip right over. That's a great one.
Michelle: All the time and I make the correlation with like taxes like you wouldn't, like [00:39:00] some people do, but for the most part if you're a creative like you wouldn't sit down and try to become an accountant for taxes, you would hire someone Yeah, and the same thing goes for anything else. So allow the experts to be the experts and it allows you so much more restfulness and creativity.
I've had to learn as projector too, sometimes you pay the price by going the cheap way. I've learned that in so many areas of my life, so it's like when you make that investment, it's so good for your body to like, wow, I don't have to figure that out. And that's like a 1, you are like, I'm so good at figuring things out, like, what's another thing, but it's like, is this the best use of your energy to figure this out?
The card reads: as I step confidently into my truth, I lead others towards theirs. How can I tune into and honor my truth today?
Michelle: Ooh,
that's so good. My truth today is that when I choose myself, others will see me, and that there's no timeline for anything. So take your time. Those are my truths today.
Chantelle: Thank you for sharing. Can you also share where people can get in touch with you ?
Michelle: Yes, I'm still working on my website right now, working on the systems, but you can find me on Instagram, @thebodyconfidencecoach, and I have a lot of [00:41:00] offerings that are right now in person, but I'm working on expanding that so I can hopefully reach the globe with my projector ness.
Feel free to say hi, and I'd love to connect with any more 5/1s, especially if you're a Projector.