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2/4 Reflector Amanda Durocher - Patience & the Creative Process

Amanda Durocher

Podcaster and 1:1 Supporter

Amanda Durocher is the host & creator of New View Advice podcast, which is a safe-space for listeners to ask their most vulnerable questions about the healing journey. Amanda offers healing-centered advice with a new view on age-old problems and traumas. Amanda started her healing journey in her early 20s after the death of a close friend and since has healed (and continues to heal) from rape, childhood trauma, and repressed memories.

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Full Transcript - Episode 31


Chantelle: [00:00:00] Welcome to season two of the Human Design Profiles and Entrepreneurship Podcast. I'm your host, Chantelle. I'm a 1/3 Manifesting Generator, Small Business Strategist, and the author of the Aligned Action Series for Solo Entrepreneurs. Thanks for joining us on this podcast. It's all about how we all experience entrepreneurship as individuals through our human design.

Each episode profiles a human design enthusiast slash business owner who's here to share about their introspection, how their personal profile lines have influenced their journey, how they use what they know about their profile to set intentions as entrepreneurs, and how this all plays out in the implementation phase in the decisions that they make day to day.

Today I'm connecting with Amanda Durocher, the host and creator of New View Advice Podcast, which is a safe space for listeners to ask their most vulnerable questions about the healing journey.

Amanda offers healing centered advice with a new view on age old problems and traumas. Amanda started her healing journey in her early twenties after the death of a close friend and since has healed and [00:01:00] continues to heal from rape, childhood trauma, and repressed memories. Have a listen while today's guest, Amanda, a 2/4 Reflector, shares her story while you read between the lines.

Amanda, with the two in your conscious side, do the two line hermit tendencies feel strong for you

Amanda: Yes, 100%. I was actually thinking about it last night and I was like, am I even going to be able to speak to this four line because I am straight up a two line. Yeah, I'm a hermit.

I do my best work like by myself and I spend a lot of time by myself. And the two lines are known to be self reflective and self aware. And I think being a Reflector and having that self reflective line. It's like amplified in me so I can spend so much time by myself. And like I said, my best work is done by myself.

I consider myself a creative at heart and everything I do, I need to sit in it before I like bring it into being. And I've tried working [00:02:00] with others. I have an assistant and things like that, but I can't create with other people, like my creations need to be mine and then I can let other people in but I'm very much a hermit, if that makes sense.

Chantelle: Yeah, totally. Can you talk us through like a recent project that you've created and what that looks like then, that hermiting and that creative process?

Amanda: Yeah, so right now I'm working on a memoir. My memoir is actually a bit of a societal commentary. So it's talking about my own life experience, but showing how society can fail people with trauma.

It's not like a blame society memoir. It's more like pointing out where systems fail and where people don't quite understand the experience of living with trauma, because I think most people have some sort of trauma. That society isn't quite built to understand trauma responses. So it's kind of funny that you asked that, because I think it has that 2/4 part in it where I write by myself [00:03:00] and it's a story about me, but I bring in that four part.

That's where I really see the four line come in for me is that I need to go in the outside world. I need to interact with others to know what I need to create.

I need to have that societal or those interactions with people or those conversations in order for me then to know, oh, that's what I need to create. Or that's what I need to say on the podcast, or that's what people are looking for. I can't just sit and create by myself or I just go blank.

It's like those interactions are what spark for me what I need to sit with hermit with and like reflect on. Right.

Chantelle: It really feels like you have this interesting alignment between your profile and between your type. For a Reflector to be a 2/4, there's a lot of crossover there.

How does that waiting period feel like, the whole lunar cycle ? What does that feel like being someone who identifies as a creative and then also having that longer response time?

Amanda: Yeah, that's a great question. The waiting [00:04:00] teaches patience and I think patience is really important for creativity.

Many people have these big visions of what they want to create but the reality of creating that big vision is a lot of patience and a lot of waiting and allowing, I always find creativity- it's like a process of something that moves through you. That's why I love it so much.

So it's like you have to allow that to move through you while also taking grounded actions and being very active in the process, but it's this balance of allowing and action. And I find with my waiting a lunar cycle.

It's taught me that balance between the two, like when I need to act versus when I need to just allow.

Chantelle: It's interesting you bring up the word allow because I've been going to this Human Design Happy Hour, which is hosted by Anna Nichols.

We were talking on that a few weeks ago, and people were talking about, wait for the invitation for Projectors and wait to [00:05:00] respond as a strategy, and I kind of interrupted the group.

I have a lot of definition in my chart. , I'm eight centers defined. So sometimes my opinions can be quite imposing, let's say, and I said, like, stop right there. We can't talk about it as waiting all the time; that can be very disempowering language. I've just changed that word in my mind to, allowing for response, being open to response, or being open to the invitation.

And when you make that little word switch, It's like everything changes, and so for you, instead of: you have to wait a whole lunar cycle, it's more like, how do I allow that as part of my process ?

Amanda: Yeah, 100%. Being a Reflector, it's kind of a journey of self discovery.

I mean, every human design type is, but what I meant by that was that, a lot of the information on the internet, I'm just like, no, you know, just like a hard no, or you'll just read like your environment is important for you and it's like obviously... isn't it important for [00:06:00] everybody, right?

You know, the people you surround yourself is important it's like, I think that's true for everybody. Yeah, so I just have found that a lot of the information is not always helpful.

I met a Reflector, Lindsey Tucker, she also runs a business where she helps Reflectors and that was really helpful for me to connect with other Reflectors because we all talk about, yeah, it's not like waiting 28 days and then making decisions.

It's really like over 28 days through active doing things. You feel what works and what doesn't. It's also you see what, like the universe and that. That way brings to you and you're like, oh, I see you. I see where you're guiding me. And it's also patiently like allowing in those moments where you're like, I've done everything.

What else is there? It depends on the decision, but it's yeah, I agree with you that there's a way to feel empowered with it. And then there's a way to feel disempowered.

Chantelle: Totally. Of course, there would be a community [00:07:00] for Reflectors. That makes total sense. It's also interesting that as a 2/4, like, you found community even in being a Reflector, which is so rare and a small percent of the population.

What was that community like? And what are the types of communities that you find supportive? And then how do you know when you've found a community that's supportive.

Amanda: So, what I thought was interesting about the Reflector community to take that one first is that like on the first call, Lindsay's like people think all us Reflectors are the same but like we have our own opinions like we're different all these things and I was like, We're not all the same to self, because it was the first time I actually met other Reflectors.

So there was so many things in my life that I was like, is this me? Or is this like, because I'm a Reflector and through that group, I've learned most things are me, like most things are me. When other Reflectors speak, I'm like, yes, yes. And like, it's almost like both. It feels like, because.

We're all so different, and it's probably the same with you with other Manifesting Generators where like, when people speak to the [00:08:00] experience though, you're just like, yes, I feel seen, I feel heard.

So for me, I think with community, it's all about that. It's about the being seen and heard. So a community feels good if it, and that's probably that 2/4 cause they say that online that it's important for us to feel seen and heard.

And I'm like, yeah, I guess that's true. Yeah, community feels good if I feel seen and heard. And if my point of view isn't respected or isn't honored or is just ignored. It doesn't feel good as a Reflector. I'm normally like a listener. I'm like a sit back, listen, and I'll say like one or two things in group settings when I feel called to speak.

Mostly I'm an observer, but if those one or two things don't land or are just like talked over, it's like. Nah, this isn't the right group for me. But for me, it's also been important to create my podcast and to have a place to speak as a Reflector. And I see that in other Reflectors that it's just like so important for us to find groups that hear us.

And if we can't [00:09:00] find it, then we need to create our own. I found it really important for my actual health to have a place to speak.

Chantelle: That feels like an elevated or embodied experience of that fourth line, where you seem to approach the fourth line from a leadership lens - you really enjoy creating spaces for people to feel connected.

Tell us about how you've built networks and opportunities like

Amanda: that.

Yeah, it's interesting you say that because I'm like, don't ask me the name of it, but that does with my incarnation cross as well to bring that into human design. I'm very much about self discovery and leadership. Those are the gates I have.

So yeah, so for me, I create and then opportunities come to me from the creations. It's like I put something out there and then an invitation comes from that. Nobody's really pulled me out of nothingness, but I think that's true for everybody.

But I think that's one of those lies that like the invitation will just like come to you magically, like through the ether, and maybe it does for some people and that's awesome.

For me, it's more like I have to take an action, but it's not [00:10:00] an action really looking for it. Like the intention wasn't to get an invitation and then something comes to me through that creation. So that's like me connecting with other podcasts, hosts connecting with other people who have experienced similar things as me like through my podcast, who resonate with my work, who now I work with.

I guess now that I'm thinking about it, like I do one on one sessions, people asked me to do one on one sessions so that I started doing them same with group environments, people asked for that.

So then I responded to that. A lot of the things I create, people ask, and I try them and sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, but yeah, does that make sense? Totally.

Chantelle: That is reminiscent of the aspect of the two line of being a natural where it takes other people to be like, oh, you'd be really great at one on one sessions or you'd be really great in a group program setting.

Maybe you should create that. Can you describe your relationship with that aspect of the 2 line, the being a natural?

Amanda: Yeah, that's one of those things with entrepreneurship I've had to start owning, you know, it was hard for me at the beginning. [00:11:00] I'm from the East coast. I'm from Massachusetts.

And I only mentioned that because it's like the land of like, you need a degree in everything and anything, and you need to prove to people and work your way up that corporate ladder, girl. And I I tried that for so long and it didn't work. So then with starting my podcast where I offer healing centered advice on healing from trauma, I just decided to do it.

I actually don't really know what inspired me to do it. I was so confident when I started, I was just like, I'm going to do this. I have a point of view. I'm really good at this. I knew I was good at it. I started it. And then like all the insecurities came in. I think that's like entrepreneurship is, you know, you have this big idea, you bring it.

And then all of a sudden when you're doing it, I think the insecurities come up. And. That has been something like understanding. I'm a natural at self awareness, which is inherent to two lines and inherent to Reflectors. And that I don't have certificates to say why you should listen to me talk about trauma.

I just [00:12:00] have lived it. I just have a lived experience and I've healed from things that many people told me I would never get over. Many people told me so many of the things I survived, you just learn to live with it. And that wasn't appropriate to me. I was like, that's just not going to be the case.

So I've healed, but it's just been that natural gift. And so that's what I, on the podcast, I try to explain that natural gift.

People are always like, you're so articulate and that's something again I don't see in myself, but people repeat that back to me that I'm articulate. Where like I'm always saying like does this make sense?

Do you understand what i'm saying? Because I'm always trying to take what is inherent for me and break it down into steps.

It can be hard for me to speak because so much that happens within me is like pretty rapid fire. It's very quick. And so then I have to slow it down in order to explain it to other people.

Chantelle: Hmm. I'm surprised to hear a Reflector talk about the quickness of things. That [00:13:00] feels like a fresh perspective on that, because I think so much of Reflectors as believing that it's okay to go slow and all of that, but it sounds like, in your experience, there's elements of both.

Amanda: Yeah, 100%. I honestly feel like, as a Reflector, I just came here to experience everything. So like, it's not like just this one way of being.

I feel the human experience and that includes the quickness, the slowness, the patience, the impatience, the anger, the temperance, like all of it. And I can experience all of it in one day.

So like that feels really Reflector-y, I guess that's what my experience is, but that's unique to me and some of my lines and some of my gates. Like I have another friend who's a Reflector. She's a 6/2 Reflector, and she's a triple Aquarius, I think. And she said that she finds that that astrology element really plays into her chart.

And she sees how I'm a Scorpio. I'm a Scorpio sun, Sag moon, and an Aries rising. And I'm not super into astrology, but people just tell [00:14:00] me that's intense. And I'm like, Yeah, I am really intense, but I thought intensity was a Reflector thing, and I've found like, oh no, that's another like Amanda thing. The other two Reflectors I know are not as intense as I am.

Chantelle: Oh, that's so interesting. I'm surprised to hear you say that, like, Reflectors are intense. You've got nine open centers. I have eight defined centers and one undefined. And I think mine, I think I'm really intense. I wonder if it's almost like an extremities of the chart kind of thing, like they're both unique but in opposite ways because I mean, obviously I'm not a Reflector, I don't have that experience I have almost the opposite of that experience, but the way I see Reflectors portrayed.

It is almost this serene, meditative moon kind of thing. So maybe that's just a misconception that I had about the Reflector experience.

Amanda: Yeah, I think there's a lot of that online. [00:15:00] So, like, when I found out I was a Reflector , I don't know. It resonated in some ways.

It was really validating in some ways. Especially with my extreme empathy. Like, I can walk into a room and I can read a room. And people would be like, oh you're crazy. And I'm like, no, now I own it. I'm like, I 100 percent can read this room. And I know what room's good for me. I know what room isn't good for me.

I think that's where the Reflector gift is that we can read others really well, when we can hone it and we can clear out our own inner world in order to understand what's ours and what isn't, and the more, like, I cleared out, like, the trauma and the healing. The more I clear out the deconditioning, the more like I can read quicker and more accurately other people. I don't get my own stuff mixed in. My guess with the intensity, I've had people read my chart and I guess I have, I think I have a lot of intensity in my chart. I also think that.

I mean, my life has been intense. So like, you know, I've survived a lot of trauma that most people haven't. I've had to like sit [00:16:00] in like, I always say like I climbed out of like the pits of hell, you know, to come back up and create my own heaven on earth, which I'm still creating. But it's like most people haven't lived as intense of a life as I have.

And most Reflectors haven't. That's not a judgment and I'm sure many have, you know just the ones I haven't, it's just, they don't have to do the intense work I've done.

When you survive from things that almost killed you just carry a bit of intensity and it's not like I've had to learn how to not carry it in like grudge way.

It's more like I carry it as in like I can see that in somebody else and I can sit with it and I can have them express to me the things that they've never told anybody and I don't get uncomfortable at all. And that has a bit of my 2/4 gift, my Reflector gift and just my own human experience gift in that.

So I think my capacity for intensity is like mixed in with everything like my human experience and I [00:17:00] think my chart allows for it as well if that makes sense.

Chantelle: Yeah. And so with the podcast, tell me a little bit about how you channel those gifts into what you do on the show.

Amanda: Yeah. So my podcast is, as I mentioned, advice for the healing journey, and I talk about things that people find really shameful and I talk about them with compassion and a non judgmental point of view. Sorry, something just fell off my wall. Anyway, the word indifference, like maybe I'll bring that up. I don't know. What do you want me to know? We'll see if I can loop that in. But yeah, I talk about things that people find shameful and most people turn away from. So as a Reflector I think we have to all embrace all of our human experience Especially at this time on earth.

So one of the Reflector's gifts is we're supposed to see like the collective suffering. And understand what the collective [00:18:00] needs right now. And what I see the collective needing is self compassion and compassion from one another.

It's like the single thing. I just think that's what the world needs right now, is just compassion, and unity, rather than division, and to bring that indifference in. I would say most people are very indifferent to one another. They either feel, people are very divided right now, or they feel indifferent.

And they, everybody's a little self involved right now. I get it. I'm self involved. I'm not like saying that's a bad thing. But we do have to open our perspectives a bit and understand that we're not the only one suffering in that . No, we can't. There's such like a whole right now to look like so far away at like other suffering where it's like, I think you should be looking in your own backyard.

I think you need to look at your neighbors, your neighborhood, your town, your community. Where are people suffering there? And how can you help and no [00:19:00] longer look away. And if you struggle and you're like, Oh, it's too uncomfortable. Then that's the work I teach on the podcast. Why do you look away from your suffering?

Why do you look away from other people's suffering? What have you experienced? Because like I teach inner child work, basically, I help us look at our childhood wounds. And I do that one, because I think it's really important for ourselves, but I actually do it because I want to create a better place for everyone to live.

And I know from personal experience that you can't hold space for somebody else's suffering. You can't.

Like, look in your own backyard until you look inside first, until you look at yourself, until you clean up the wounds in your own life, until you sit with your own heart, who deserves it.

You deserve to sit with your own pain and suffering, it's not comfortable, but like, it's freeing and liberating, and we have to look within first.

So that, that's what we're doing. Was a roundabout answer, and through that answer, I saw my 2/4. Where I'm like, you have to kind of look within in order to help society. I just started the opposite way [00:20:00] with my answer.

Chantelle: That's so fascinating to hear that unfold in how you shared that.

And again, maybe this is me pointing out a two line natural talent, but leadership just keeps coming forward to me because you're really showing people how to be comfortable sitting with their stuff by being willing to sit with your own stuff. By creating that space for them to do that with the show and with your sessions and your group stuff as well.

Amanda: Thank you. I felt nice. Thank you. I felt nice in my heart. Yeah.

Chantelle: So obviously with having a podcast and doing all the things in business, there's a lot going on. Constantly stuff to be done. You have mentioned that Reflectors aren't the most consistent of people.

So tell me a little bit about that aspect and and how you work with that in business.

Amanda: Yeah. So I feel like if I was just to read what was on the internet, I would think like, I could never have my own business as a [00:21:00] Reflector because of like our inconsistency and our low energy. I feel like that's how like the internet makes us sound like we have low energy.

And I do have less energy than you likely. I think that's where my intensity is like one of my gifts is like I work in small bursts. So like I will work for like an hour and I'll get like a lot done and then I'll like take a break and then I will be that like little meditative girl in nature woman, I guess.

But I'll go sit on a rock and I'll just like stare at a lake. Like I will do that. I do do things like that. And then I feel I like allow the moment where I feel like the call to something else. And that's kind of the more aligned I become, the more it's like, I'm called to things. You know, I'm called when to work and I'm called when to stop.

And currently it's my work to know when to stop, or I'll hit burnout and then I won't be able to work. Or when it's my own resistance keeping me from doing something. So sometimes with like my writing, I have such resistance [00:22:00] to it. It's like, it's my favorite thing to do in the world. So like, I resist it.

You know, it's like, can life be that good? That's what like I'm currently working on. Like, can I allow life to be that good? So I'll like, you know, I'll be like, Oh, I'm just going to meditate like Reflector does. But I'll really be avoiding. And then when I start writing, usually it comes and it feels good.

And I realized it was me the whole time. So it's, I don't know if this was a clear answer. I feel like that was like a very Reflector answer where it's just like, I don't know. It's everything.

Chantelle: Actually, I think what might have happened is you might have picked up something from me because that's something that I've really been thinking about.

I was thinking about it maybe four minutes before we got on the call about allowing things to be good. That's the theme that I'm working on as well. So we're either both working on that or you just like, you just picked up on that as we were chatting there. Maybe that's a sign. Maybe we should dive into that a little bit.

For me, I have this feeling of like, if I feel happy, if I feel really [00:23:00] good, the other shoe is going to drop. And like I objectively look at fear of success and think, well, that's ridiculous. But really, if I'm having those thoughts, those beliefs come up, that's really what that is, right?

Like fear of like it being too good because, oh, it could be taken away any second or whatever that is. I don't know what you're feeling around that at the moment. I know that's what's coming up for me. How about you?

Amanda: Yeah, when you were speaking, I thought of that Marianne Williamson quote, that's like, it's not like our fear or failure. It's like, we fear our own power. Right. And how powerful we could be.

Chantelle: The quote was in my email signature when I was like 14.

Amanda: I know it's one of those quotes that's kind of cheesy, but like, it's so true in moments like this, when you realize it's, to me, it's connected with the feeling good.

Cause when I feel good, I am in my power. And it's like, getting to the age where I finally am like, Oh, I hear you, Marianne Williamson. Like, it's not just an Instagram quote. [00:24:00] Like I feel that like, cause for a long time I had to work through my fears of failure, yada, yada. And now it's like, yeah. I mean, the idea of like, how big can you be?

How good can it be? And can you allow it to be good is something I ponder. I've honestly pondered it for years because a couple years ago I had this experience So that would be 2022.

Two years ago, I had an experience where I like had every well It's happened to me a few times where like all my trauma leaves and I get to experience life in like the most magical way.

And you're like, Oh my God, it can be this good. Lasts for about an hour. And so I can touch into that. Like it's rare and that's where my Reflector comes in where it's always a surprise. And then from those points, it's like working backwards. It's like all the trauma comes back in, all the negative beliefs, all the conditioning, and then it's like.

It's understanding that exists and then I [00:25:00] have to peel back the layers that are keeping me from that.

And I think for me, I always fear the shoe's going to drop but I think of it as like a safety mechanism. It's almost safer to feel not good than to feel good because when you feel good, you're vulnerable and you're in your light and you're in your shine.

And if somebody takes that, it's way more painful than when you're in a grumpy mood and somebody says something nasty or like, yeah, okay, yeah, I know. Rather than like, Oh my God, I just had my heart and soul out there. Right. Ouch. It hurts more. So I think a lot of times that she's going to drop is like a safety mentality.

And so then it's being with the one within that feels the need to protect self.

Chantelle: Thanks for sharing that advice. I feel like that was meant to come out on our show today. Let's flow into the closing ritual for this show which is drawing an affirmation card for this conversation.

I am holding the 2/4 [00:26:00] cards created by Christina from Glow Glow Juice HD. If you're feeling ready, you and I will take a deep breath in together

and then let that go and allow for a message to come through. The card reads, I allow myself to be called into action by those who see and honor my authentic self. Who and what do I feel open to?

Amanda: I'm like, I like the card. I feel like it speaks for itself. Yeah, I just feel open to that. People who see me authentically, which means I feel open to being authentic. Continuing to show up authentically, because it can be scary. I looked at your line, 1/3, and it's a lot about authenticity, it sounded like.

Is that something you have worked through, , showing up authentically, or have you felt like you've always been authentic, and that's been hard?

Chantelle: Authenticity comes easily to me for the most part. That doesn't mean that I never feel the desire to filter or like show preferential treatment to one part of myself over [00:27:00] another.

I was actually just thinking about that. I often use filters when I'm doing an Instagram story. I do that because my house has no light and the filter helps the light aspect, although like, I'm not like a filter person. And so I just try to be authentic in my message rather than in my visuals for the most part.

But authenticity has been easy. Mostly because as a three line, I don't know any other way other than just experimenting and making mistakes. And so it doesn't occur to me to not share that because that's my whole everything. I don't even know how I would hide that, you know.

If I wasn't sharing the things where I made mistakes or the things that I quit, I would have nothing to share. Truly, that's how much that is a part of my experience.

And , authenticity is easy in the one line sense of needing more information, needing the foundation.

There can sometimes be a little bit of a feeling [00:28:00] of, do I know enough about this to share at this point, or should I wait to share?

But it's not a should I ever share, it's like should I share now kind of thing, if that makes sense.

Amanda: Yeah, that does make sense.

I am always doing that as like a two line to almost the should I share now or should I share later? Like, have I hermited? Have I like done enough of that before I bring it into the world?

Because that's like a big part of that two line process for me is like, I have to be with something first.

So like, you know, I see the world right now with like this demand to share when things happen. It's like, you must say your opinion on this societal issue right now.

And that is like, not how I work. I really need to figure out how I feel about things. Cause as a two line, but also as a Reflector, it's like, I can see every side. I can see all the anger. I can see all the different things.

I always think about that if I ever had like a really big audience, like you can't demand me to speak quickly. And I would hope I created an [00:29:00] audience that understood that about me, but it's just interesting because you see that in your one line too, that some of us just need a little bit more time to understand things before we can speak so that we can speak to it articulately and intelligently.


Chantelle: Well, knowing how you feel in a well rounded aspect on a topic is probably something that feels really important to you. So part of that openness is just allowing yourself time to feel. That makes a lot of sense to me.

Amanda: Yeah. And sometimes for me, that's part of the waiting is just allowing all these feelings to come up because normally on the other side of all these feelings is the jewel or the gem.

So that's oftentimes what takes me a full lunar cycle to get to like, I'll set the intention. Like like I did it this month. I was like, I'm going to record an episode on imposter syndrome and I'm just going to record it tomorrow. Well, then imposter syndrome came up in my own life. And I've been spending the last like four weeks sitting with my own not enoughness, inadequacy, to get to like oh, that's where that came from, so that then I can speak to it [00:30:00] clearly, and speak to the experience.

But this happens all the time. I have to know my own cycles a bit better, where I'm always like, I'm gonna speak to this episode, and it always takes four weeks.

It always, like, if it's a powerful one that I need to work through too, you want me to talk about topics I've already talked about a hundred times, like infidelity, I could record it like this. But. Some of these other ones, it takes me that full lunar cycle. It's like, I set the intention and then my own process goes through and then I can speak to it in a way that people would understand, in a fully processed way that I think is more helpful for others to hear a full experience through it rather than in the process.

Chantelle: That's going to make for such a great episode though, because it's going to be really fresh for you and you're going to be able to really speak from that place of understanding. Yeah. Yeah.

Amanda: Yeah. I'm smiling because I feel like I do that a lot and then I move on to the next thing and somebody like six months later will be like, Oh my gosh, we're working through this together.

And I'm like, Oh yeah, I mean that was so long ago, but yeah, I [00:31:00] have to like take myself back there. But it's all good. Yeah. Yeah.

Chantelle: Well, if people want to hear that eventual episode on the podcast where can they find the podcast and where else can they connect with you?

Amanda: By the time this is live, that episode will be out in the ether.

You can find me at Newviewadvicepodcast on Twitter. All the podcasting apps, Spotify, Apple, all of them. And I also have a website, new view advice. com where I'm currently shifting it. But again, by the time this episode is live, it'll be in the new way of being, which is a place where I offer free resources for the healing journey.

I've tried all these different ways that other people have done. And I'm like, I just want to offer a lot of stuff for free and we'll see what happens, but. Yeah, I'm in like a rebrand, rechange phase that by the time this comes out, I'll be listening to myself say this and I'll be like, Oh, that was so funny that you were there. Now we're here. Amanda?

Chantelle: At least a few lunar cycles in between recording and publishing this show.

Amanda: Yeah, exactly.

A graphic with a purple background and a phone with AirPods showing the podcast on the screen, directing listeners to YouTube, Spotify, or Apple to listen to the podcast and learn about human design profiles and entrepreneurship.

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CQC Crystal - How to Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset

mentor to service-based business owners and the author of the Aligned Action Series of print books for solo entrepreneurs.


Also... a former K-12 teacher who left the classroom to teach you how to run your business with intention instead.


In working with 150+ clients and thousands of students, I’ve developed a unique approach that centers alignment, agency and thoughtful decision-making.

Solo entrepreneur clients work with me to establish a continuous cycle of introspection and implementation - you too can learn how to infuse self-awareness into your business.


Let’s turn the pain of unfulfilled ideas into real possibilities and plans, by reflecting and taking action in your business together!

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