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Crystal Nykoluk Wix Website

My Client Crystal is a ceramic artist who shapes clay into forms of sculpture and pottery. She also offers workshops to learn more about clay, provides services for ceramic artists, and has a shop for her products. Crystal’s goal is to connect people with objects that remind them of nature’s irregular presence by using functional forms to tell a story. Her Wix website has lovely features like the flowing hand-drawn wave element, beautiful copy, and a time-saving booking form.

Good copywriting (copy) on a website helps you to better interact with your clients and boosts your sales by writing relevant copy that resonates and compels your website visitors to take the next step. On Crystal’s website, good copy communicates to her visitors about her work, for example - The textures surfacing in my work remind us of the stories we have forgotten, stories explaining our inherent connection to nature and our planet. We further communicate her fun-loving personality with clever buttons like Fire off your message! on the Contact page and Pick up a piece in the shop on the About page as creative copy that deviates from the oversaturated buy now, read more, and get more clicks.

Brand voice - the way you write for your brand - helps your customers to get a feel of your core values and mission, as well as communicating your story. It also helps to humanize your brand, making it easier for your clients to relate with your business, so the aim with Crystal’s brand voice was to evoke tactile sensations because of how ceramic art is created by the hands! We chose to help her clients imagine what a ceramic object would look like in their life by using images of Crystal holding and creating her art objects. An additional element of how hands-on pottery is made not only helps her clients connect with her brand but also is an effective device for her e-commerce business to be successful.

Designing a website with a cohesive and flowing layout makes a good first impression and helps your clients to seamlessly navigate your website. The Home page evokes that sense of flow and touch, reminiscent of Crystal’s ceramic art with the aspect of line is a wave element hand-drawn by her and then turned into digital art for use on the Wix website.

Why is a time-saving booking form essential on a website? It increases the likelihood for you to get sales and it saves you time - instead of focusing on back and forth emails about scheduling workshops, Crystal can have her hands in clay! On the Learn workshop page, Crystal offers 3 different types of workshops that each have a call to action button - Book a Workshop, conveniently linking to a booking form with no additional clicks to get to this feature which encourages fast action!

A well-organized website gives your visitors a good experience, helps with easy access and encourages your visitors to keep on navigating through your website since it’s easy! Crystal’s business has different aspects like events, a shop for her products, other artists services, and classes so the website had to be ultra-organized to ensure this wasn’t confusing or that it has too many directions for her website visitors.

I decided to set up the Events page with blog functionality so it’s easy for Crystal to update. There’s no need for her to delete once an event has passed, and she doesn’t need to fuss around with formatting every time she adds or deletes an event listing.

“I loved working with you Chantelle. I was nervous when I met with you for the first time, but you right away put me at ease with your calm manner and organized questions. I immediately felt I could trust you as you presented a genuine interest in the work I make and why. During our two week window you allowed me to feel comfortable enough to let you know when I didn't like something, and then worked extremely hard to show me something new according to my feedback. I loved our collaboration! I am so proud to send people to my website - I just think it's a beautiful summary of me!” – Crystal

As an entrepreneur how could it impact your brand by highlighting the different parts of your business on an ultra-organized website? - let’s talk about how, click Services to see how I can help!

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CQC Crystal - How to Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset

 - a mentor to service-based business owners and the author of the Aligned Action Series of print workbooks for solo entrepreneurs.


Also... a former K-12 teacher who left the classroom to teach you how to run your business with intention instead.


In working with 100+ clients, I’ve developed a unique approach that promotes alignment and self-awareness as key business skills.

Solo entrepreneur clients work with me to establish a continuous cycle of introspection and implementation - you too can learn how to infuse self-awareness into your business.


Let’s turn the pain of unfulfilled ideas into real possibilities and plans, by reflecting and taking action in your business together!

White and Grey Keyboard Glasses - Ideal Client


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