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E11: Shlesha Pandey's Experience of the 6/2 Profile in Human Design

Shlesha Pandey

Marketing Strategist

Jess Trent - HD Profiles Podcast - Clear Quartz Creative

Shlesha is a marketing strategist specializing in lifecycle and email marketing. With over 7 years of experience, she mastered the art of engaging customers through targeted, data-driven campaigns, significantly boosting client revenue. As a certified Klaviyo expert and conversion copywriter, Shlesha has helped many brands scale from 5 to 7 figures a month.

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Full Transcript - Episode 11


Chantelle: Have a listen while today's guest, Shlesha a 6/2 shares her story while you read between the lines. So tell me, how is human design a part of your life and a part of your business?

Shlesha: That's a great question. [00:02:00] So I never really connected everything so deeply until very recently.


So life goes on, right? And you're just like stuck in the cycles of life and your business, and especially as a business owner, I'm sure you relate it gets very hectic sometimes. So you never really, I won't say never, but very rarely you have a time step back and take pause and just reflect as to, hey, is like higher kind of power or something at play here?

Around 10 years ago-ish, I started really looking deep and introspecting within myself and trying to figure out the purpose life kind of into that area. One thing I really banked on was like, human connection is important. If you cannot connect someone else, you'll feel very lonely, even if you're all by yourself and you're okay to be by yourself, which. As a 6/2, I am okay to be myself. I'm a hermit , but I would say that one thing I really started focus on was deeply on with other people.

And so when I got into human [00:03:00] design, I looked and I found out my profile. It was actually astonishing because around 10, 12 years ago, there was an astrologer that told me very similar things to what my human design profile.

Chantelle: Wow.

Shlesha: Yeah, it was crazy when I connected that. So one of the things that my profile says is that I won't get into a committed, like deep relationship until I'm past 30. And exactly what the astrologer He was not get married before you're 30. You know? And then at that time I was just okay, yeah. It's just like, woo. It's like whatever.

Chantelle: Right.

Shlesha: I guess this is different tradition as well, but they look at your birth chart in a similar way. So they look at your time of birth, place birth, and I guess your star signs. To see the connection and how unified everything is really cool.

After I kind of stepped back and at things from a different angle, I realized that there is a lot than what meets the eye. And it's easy to jump into and [00:04:00] think you know what you're doing. But there is always something else out there that is kind of guiding you.

Chantelle: Yeah. That's such a sixth line thing too, to have that wider perspective, to take the big level view of things. That makes a lot of sense. As a two line, I know that alone time is something that is super important to you. Tell me a little bit about how that plays out.

Shlesha: Alone time is something that I feel solitude, especially something that I feel, I have learned to embrace, and I don't mean it in a lonely way. It's very difficult being alone. Your mind attacks you when you're alone. That's why we tend to, as human beings, we tend to distract ourselves by socialization. go out, we try to actually, if you notice, we create chaos in our lives When things are fine, we look for problems. And you start to feel an eerie feeling when everything's going okay. It's when is that like negativity coming?

One thing I told myself in my mind was, let's see, because [00:05:00] especially during the pandemic it was, there wasn't really much socialization going on anyways.

And I always, for a long time I've been living by myself.

So ever since moved outta my parents' place to go to university, after that, bought a condo. I have been on my own for the last 10 something, like 10, 11 years or something like that now.

So has been a while but I had always kept myself busy by going out and hanging out with friends, going out work, so I didn't feel as alone.

In fact, weekends come and if nothing was happening, I'd feel like, what's going on with everyone like why am I not being called out or invited out? Or, my friends are watching movies together and they didn't invite me, I would feel really upset by that.

I noticed a lot of things going on, like a lot of chaos in my mind.

Then was like, you know what? Let's just stay in our condo. You have everything you need. Like I had everything I need. had a nice tv, I had heating, cooling a nice, you know, I had a bed to sleep on. lot of people don't have these privileges. And I wanted to learn to be grateful for what I had[00:06:00]


In that time I did a lot of introspection, a lot of meditation, a lot of connecting with myself and realizing that one of the greatest purposes of life is connecting with other people, but the only way you can do that is first by connecting with yourself on a deeper level.

And I feel like that's when I went into my hermit state, I call, it's so funny because before I even knew about human design, I'd been calling my condo, my cave So, I went in my cave and I felt like I was really meditating and and being what is going on here? I didn't wanna fall in the traps of my mind, which very repetitive.

It kept on saying something get a job, get a better job, get promoted. Then it's like, then the next thing it's gonna say is like, get married. Then it's gonna be like, have kids.


Then and at the end of the day you're just gonna die. That was what I kind of understood was what is the purpose of life? Is like to go through that repetitive cycle? And then the problem is , throughout that process, you're always complaining. You're always [00:07:00] complaining about your job. You're always complaining about like everything in life, your kids, your husband, your wife, whatever. I very rarely seen case where that's not true consistently.


The consistency was something I wanted figure out. I would say being a hermit has played a big role in my evolution in my life. And because of that, when I was ready to like after the pandemic step back out, connect with people, I felt I like I could form a much deeper connection with them.

Chantelle: Well, yeah, because you have such a deeper knowledge of yourself - that makes so much sense. That comfort with yourself is paramount to developing solid relationships and friendships, right?

Shlesha: Like my relationship with my parents got so much better.

My with my friends got so better. Colleagues . Like anyone who I had relationships with a lot of them came to me they're like, you've changed. You are so different.

Chantelle: That's your sixth line gaining wisdom. Yeah, it's beautiful.

Shlesha: Hundred percent. Yeah. So when I read about human design, I was like, this so true,

Chantelle: Yeah the sixth line [00:08:00] operates as a three until 30 ish until your Saturn return, which is I think why you've heard that advice through two different lenses.

But the three line, which I'm a 1/3, the three line is all about experimentation. And it sounds like you willingly, consciously put yourself into an experiment with not exactly a time limit, but almost like a time range really of, okay, this is going to be my focus for a little while and I'm going to see where this takes me.

Shlesha: Yeah, for sure. And thankfully, like the outside world was also supporting that. It's like with the wave and then you do your experiments within the wave, or you, you know, you go against the wave, which is just gonna bring a lot of chaos but yeah, I very frequently do experiments like that.

Like I always do like 45 day practice. I like to introspect a lot and see things like if I'm cutting people off and I notice that I'm doing that a lot, I will do like a 45 day ritual kind practice where say I'm not gonna cut anyone off for the next 45 days,

I will also do it for the next like [00:09:00] 45.

Like it, it depends, like my times go anywhere from 21 45 days, depending complicated.

Chantelle: Oh, interesting.

Shlesha: Yeah. But you learn so much about yourself. You can actually really go beyond your realms of thinking and possibilities. But I'll also do the opposite, which I'll be like, if my mind's like, you're too meek. Like you don't talk, speak up often. Then I'll be, I'll have an opinion for everything. I'll make sure I have an opinion.

Right. It's not to like make a personality, but it's rather, rather to myself that I don't want my mind to think that it can cage me into this personality that it thinks I am.

It's not true. I feel that as human beings , we're more than we are, we're very powerful I really wanted to recognize that.

Chantelle: That's fascinating. Do you apply the cycle thinking to business at all? Do you do like a 21 day or 45 day kind of experiment with that as well?

Shlesha: Yeah, I do. So it depends, like with business, you're very, your emotions I [00:10:00] find are very much attached to your business

Uh huh.

It's like a survival thing as well. Right? So it's really easy to be like, for 21 days, I'm just gonna like start cold pitching people.

Because that's something aligned and that's something everyone says you should do. But to go against that and say something like for 21 days like this is very risky because I wouldn't wanna give advice and you know, something like, for 21 days I'm not gonna talk to anyone and my business is still gonna be fine.

Like, that's not what I'm saying.

But at the same time you have to like measure where you are in your your business is doing okay.

I had this like 21 day period where I was connecting with a lot of people, like

on chats and some people were interested in my services and I was like, let me just see what happens. I'm not gonna propose the rate.

And if ask me for what my rate is, I, I would tell them like, very flexible. I wanna hear what comes from you, what you think is fair for this. A lot of the times I felt that people didn't take advantage of that. They were pretty willing to be like, okay. They, they would ask like, how about a ballpark? Because I [00:11:00] could sense that they don't wanna like overshoot or undershoot either.

But in that case, if they really pushed, I would, but a lot of the times I wouldn't. And I found that also one of the things that I really wanted to build was not like, I a lot of people say, charge what you're worth.

And it's true, you should, but I don't feel like one project is worth a relationship.

If you know that that relationship is gonna be long term. And even if you go a little lower on the first project.


You know that the connection is worth over time, that relationship, it can bring you referrals, it can bring you connections, it can bring you so much.

There's more than just money and business, and I feel people fail to see that. So these kind of experiments within business, I try to look at business as a connection. Help me like build that connection based thing in business as well.

Chantelle: Yeah. That's fascinating. I know that data's really important to you, so I bet you measure all of this. What kind of interesting data has come up?

Shlesha: So I don't actually. I [00:12:00] mean, data is important for clients' businesses. Like if

I'm doing email marketing, then I will only measure like what works through the data. But for like my own personal growth, a lot of it is intuitive.

A lot of it I do keep in mind. Like, for example, if I know that I've reached a low point in my life before, I have data saying that this is what happened when you reached that point. How about we don't go there again? kind of data is stored in my mind, nothing like written down .

Chantelle: That's valid. Yeah, I agree. I've heard the saying before of like, facts are not feelings or, or feelings are not facts or whatever it is. And I disagree with that actually. You know, if you can't take your feelings into account in some way, then you probably don't have a great understanding

of what you're feeling, you know? And to find alignment, you do have to take some of those into account.

Shlesha: It's very difficult. I completely agree, and it's very, very difficult because your mind is attacking you usually from many different angles, [00:13:00] and you can't, so hard to see it. It gets very deep.

Chantelle: Yeah. What's your connection with your inner voice? Do you have any practices that you do or is there any specific way that you hear your inner voice?

Shlesha: I do have some practices that I do. So I have someone who guides me spiritually. kind of like a mentor. So they've given me some practices, like, for example, mantras. I, I chant mantras. A lot of it is introspection and practice related, like these small challenges, I feel they really push you because you can chant any affirmations you want. can do anything you want, but if you don't put it into practice...

there's no point.

I've seen people who have chanted, like what they call the most powerful affirmations or mantras, but they treat people like crap.

So like, I don't see the point of doing that at that point.

I would say it's very conflicting , whether something is actually an inner voice or [00:14:00] your mind trying to you know, speak through to your desires. Like you desire something. There's nothing wrong with desiring. I think desiring, everyone should get what they desire, but, we're very self-focused. We're very much aware of our problems, but we very rarely step out and look at someone else and what they may be going through. So just stepping outside of yourself really builds that, and that's a practice that I, have been building.

Chantelle: Right. I think too, with the 6/2 profile, the like, micro macro, I feel like is a big theme. Introspect, down to you individually, but then also apply that to the larger whole, and then vice versa, right? There's a lot of perspective to be gained from going inward.

There's also a lot of perspective to be gained by looking at the whole picture.

Shlesha: Hundred percent. I agree. I often see people in two boats for this. So one boat is introspection. Look inside. Look inside. It's right. You have to look inside, but there's so much you can learn from the outside world. Why is someone not talking to you, [00:15:00] bothering you?

That came from the outside, right? So these are signals coming from the outside that you then take within and you introspect and figure out why that's happening. So if you just discard the outside world, then there's nothing to really introspect upon other than just things your mind is making up. And if you really think about it, the outside world is seen inside your mind too, because

Chantelle: Mm-Hmm.

Shlesha: Your eyes are projecting the image and it's being processed by your mind.

So how much of it is really like truthful to what you, what your senses are telling you?

Chantelle: I think about that a lot. That occupies a lot of space in my one line brain . Just like

how much we're taking in. I remember one time I was driving with a friend on the highway and we passed a car going the other way. And I, I was like, oh, that red scarf looked really nice and the person was like, red scarf?

I didn't see a red scarf. The passenger's green tuque, though. And I was like, what? But it just illustrates how, there's so much information that's being processed and we each zero in on [00:16:00] what our mind wants to zero in on.

And it's not necessarily the same as anybody else's. Which is like a trivial example , but illustrates that larger concept.

Shlesha: Yeah. And it's really cool because what you see as red who knows if everyone else sees that as the same shade of red.

Chantelle: You are taking that right outta my brain.

Shlesha: I'm glad you notice these things too.

Chantelle: Oh yeah. I, I can nerd out on that for a really long time.

So with all of the introspection that you do, how does that apply to decisions that you've made in your business?

Shlesha: Yeah, so one would be not listening everything, just anyone says.

When I first started business. I used to, I still do consume a lot of content, like a lot of content, like take all the courses listen to every Instagram or every YouTuber, every podcaster, I wouldn't question it, I'd just be like, that makes sense.

Bombard people with emails, bombard people with calls [00:17:00] and. That is a strategy. And that's something that I would say you have to test for yourself to know if it's applicable in your business model.

So a lot of people, what they're doing is they're actually parroting off information they hear from someone else.

So it's like a chain coming down, like everyone's saying the same things. So I would say introspection, being intuitive really helps you come up with an angle that you may not have heard from podcasts.


Maybe it'll lead you to a different podcast where someone's actually talking about something else. So It's just not following the crowd mentality and also thinking deeply within yourself about what is possible. If people say, like, a lot of people say like, you can get to months, a hundred k, and all of these like big, you consider big numbers at that stage of business, but. Introspection really helps you wonder, why do I want 10 K months? Why do I want a hundred K months? Do I just wanna look good? Do I just wanna be famous? Like what is the reason? Finding out your why is so important. If you don't [00:18:00] know your why. And I say why, I don't just mean I wanna live in a house, which it is valid, but I mean, going deeper than that, why do you wanna live in a house? Why, what will that give you? Will it give you happiness if it does, if you, and then envisioning yourself in that big house then being like, okay, am I happy right now?

realizing that probably that was not what brought you happiness.

Chantelle: Mm-Hmm. . Yeah. Again, it's the surface level desires. There's deeper ones behind there. And if we don't stop to think about what those might be, we can wind up in a totally different direction than where we need to go. Like you're right. With content, you can get absolutely influenced by something that someone does.

Like, I notice the feeling in myself as I scroll. I'll stop on something, for whatever reason it's caught my interest. . And there's a specific point where, you can go deeper into that. You can go fully into that direction, or you can stop and go, okay, but does that apply to me? I agree with you about the copying and like how it's just descended from one level [00:19:00] to another.

Shlesha: You see how you're actually noticing these things, that you're going down a rabbit hole. A lot of people don't even notice that they're going down that rabbit hole.

You can see yourself as it's happening, you're in an observer state. while you're in the action, if you can observe yourself, it's kind of like you're out of your body. really cool and it's very fascinating.

Chantelle: I definitely try to help clients achieve that to help them with their mindsets in business. Because you're right, being able to have that awareness as something is happening will serve you so well. Hearing your inner voice as you're processing to hear that in the moment just gives you so much great insight onto, you know, whether something is meant for you or not meant for you, whether it's going to be something that feels aligned or, or not.

And I agree that in business, especially . We need to be listening to that. We need to be paying attention to that as we go. Because it's gonna guide us to the being in the right rooms and being in the right spaces to meet our [00:20:00] next clients or meet our next coach.

Shlesha: And I would also add developing that if you don't know how to figure it out,

by pausing, being mindful, realizing what doing in the moment,


mindful of how you're talking to other people.

Chantelle: That presence is so important. How do you then apply it to a specific client's business? Do you help them introspect to help guide them to the right email marketing strategy for them?

Shlesha: Yeah, it really helps in really understanding where their pain point, where frustration is. So mm-Hmm. I would say knowing speak to them,

And then also in helping them know how to speak to their ideal clients, like that's the next layer of that and the copywriting that actually coming through. Copywriting - you have to really study the customer deeply for that. And to do that you kind of have to step away from yourself and you can't be judgmental of other people- everyone has different habits.

And copywriting really teaches you [00:21:00] about different audiences who aren't necessarily yourself.

Like I wouldn't, I probably wouldn't go and buy, fishing gear,

but there are people who would buy fishing gear and you have to get into their minds and write.

And I feel that helps build an attitude where you can develop an inner voice because you're less focused on your mind and yourself and your wants your desires.

You're stepping into the mind of someone else. I like to look at copywriting as something to to help people get to what they want. So I don't look at it as a sleazy

sales tactic. I won't work with brands where I feel that way about their product.

I, always look at it as a way to be like, oh my gosh, like in an empathetic way.

my gosh, how will this person reach goals? How will they get what they want?

So introspection voices really help with all of that. And on top of that, talking to clients and educating them what to say them to really get them thinking as well.

Chantelle: You're right. I never thought about the mental flexibility aspect of copywriting, but that's very true that because you're [00:22:00] inhabiting somebody else's goals and desires and thoughts and feelings for a while, that it, does give you perspective when you step back into your own mental head space afterwards.

Shlesha: Yeah, exactly. That's, that's how I feel as well. Like with copywriting, with just business in general, to be honest.

There's so much that we think we know, and then when you realize that it's, there's so much more than what you think.

Yes. You get a little humble about it too, and you're willing to accept other possibilities.

Chantelle: Speaking of possibilities, I wonder what the custom human design affirmation cards have for us today. Let's do a card reading. I'll choose a card based on our energy here. Let's take a deep breath together and let that go. Today's card reads, I am here to experience life, to find my truth, and then to embody it. [00:23:00] Do I trust that I will bloom exactly when I am meant to?

Shlesha: Wow. that. Definitely I am here to find I'm meant to do. And I feel like that's always a process of learning and always evolves throughout your life. I, I do believe it will happen.

Chantelle: Tell us where people can connect with you.

Shlesha: Yeah. You can connect me on my Instagram. I'm more active responding to messages there, my Instagram is @ecomrevolutionx. And also you can find me on LinkedIn as well. I'm on LinkedIn under Shlesha Pandey.

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